
Saturday, April 16, 2011

PSA: Love your mouth!

So, normally I wouldn't even come close to giving health advice to strangers (I might guess with friends whom I know aren't going to sue me for malpractice lol) in fact, the closest I would come is - gee, that doesn't look should get that checked out!

Until today.  Dun...dun...dunnnnnn.

The thought occurred to me that I don't smile in a lot of my pictures.  There are a couple of reasons for that...1) I don't like my chipmunk cheeks that I've always had...and 2) I'm not a huge fan of my teeth.  The problem is, however, that it's very hard to ignore a mouth.  You can put all the makeup on in the world, but the health of your teeth can't be fixed with makeup, or covered up unless you just keep your mouth shut...and where is the fun in that?  The whole reason we apply makeup is to look and feel beautiful...and if you've noticed what I've noticed...the most beautiful girls have big ol' smiles on their faces.  When you look good, you feel good...and when you feel good, you smile. 

So what do you not like?  Is it the shape of your teeth?  A gap?  A broken tooth?  The color?  All of these can be fixed, it just depends on what you're willing to do or can afford.  Sometimes you can get insurance to cover the cosmetic stuff for mental health reasons (ie: your confidence level) instead of paying out of pocket.  Sometimes you can make changes at home.  Drink less coffee and tea, or follow it up with whitening gum....brush more, floss more, change your toothpaste, change your tooth brush, etc. 

I always say to those who have a hard time investing in expensive shampoo and conditioner...your hair is one of those accessories you can't hide and you'll be miserable if it suddenly goes away, right?  You'd probably be pretty pissed if you woke up one day and were bald and you KNEW you could have prevented it.  I know that's not a thought that crosses our minds often, so I'd believe we have the same view about our teeth.  For fear of bad news or going through some procedure that's so would you feel if you woke up one day and your teeth just...broke. 

So for those of you who are terrified of the dentist and haven't gone in ages...just go.  Have a family member make the appointment and surprise you the day of so you can't back out or reschedule.  I bet you every single one of us walk out of there going...that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Well, and if it is as bad as you thought it was going to bed - ask your dentist to drug you.  It's pretty popular these days! 

Don't ever put off your own needs just because you have kids.  Every woman deserves to feel beautiful.  This year, don't forget to focus on yourself...reset the standards.

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