
Sunday, November 27, 2011

i like your hair...who does your hair...

i like your hair....who does your hair...

Hi everyone!  Krista here...been a while, I know...but life happened and I got side tracked...but, lately I've been feeling like myself again, so I'm baaaaaack!  Plus, I haven't been here for any of my wild and crazy hair adventures to share with everyone!

If you noticed, the title of this entry is "i like your hair...who does your hair..." all credits to that genius up there ^-^-^-^ (ok, so I used genius loosely) but I actually get asked this question a LOT.  The reason this is kind of a big deal for me is that before, it was always "oh I like your hair!" but now I also get asked "who does your hair??" from people looking for a reference and it makes me proud to say ME! Cut, color, and style; all from home, and mostly with non-professional products.  Yes, I have cosmetology training, but the most important part of good healthy hair are things that EVERYONE can do with their current skill sets (and maybe some advanced techniques for the wow factor.)

So, this begins a series...I don't really know how many parts there will be to it exactly; while I'm an avid planner for every other detail in my life, when I write, I wing it, but this is "back to basics" with a twist.  Instead of being remedial sounding, I hope to debunk some myths, prove others, and really clarify things that were never really explained to us by our moms when we were growing up.  I'll also outline some "must have tools" that aren't brand specific and WILL include some cheap items or DIY substitutes and I will link it all here and have a new tab!  So excited for this "new start" oh and I'm running on 2 hours of sleep so I apologize if this is one big ADHD chaotic excited wall of babble lol.  

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